(480) 213-0975
Professional pool service for peace of mind!
Fountain Hills | Firerock | NE Scottsdale | Scottsdale Mountain Ft McDowell | Goldfield Ranch | NE Mesa | Las Sendas | Rio Verde

Regular & Preventative Maintenance
DE & Cartridge Filter Cleaning

Manufacturer recommends cleaning your cartridge and DE filters every 3 to 6 months or more often based on your filter pressure reading. Dazzle Pools schedules most DE and Cartridge filters every 6 months, or more often if the pressure reading indicates it is time to clean.
Pool Light Diagnostic

Over time, pool lights can leak water which causes the light canister to rust and corrode. Starting 1 Jan 2023 - manufacturers transitioned to LED pool lights instead of incandescent pool lights. These lights are energy efficient and transform your backyard. If your pool or spa light is not working, Dazzle Pools can complete a diagnosis to determine if it is as simple fix or it is time for the investment in an LED light.
Pool Cleaners

Pool cleaners work great to keep your pool clean. Much like your vehicle, they need regular and routine inspection. Dazzle Pools regularly inspects pool cleaners to check for wear and tear parts in need of replacement.
Not wanting to invest in your old pool vac cleaner? Consider opting for a new pool cleaner! Dazzle Pools partners with great manufacturers for the latest pool cleaners that are designed to operate on both low and high speed suction. Opting for a new pool cleaner also comes with all new cleaner hoses and a 1, 2, or 3-year warranty. Most cleaners purchased and installed by Dazzle Pools receive an extra year warranty beyond the manufacturer warranty.
Heater Tune Up

After a summer without use, pool heaters benefit from a routine tune-up to ensure they are fully functional for when you and your family are ready to enjoy the outdoors in the cooler season. Dazzle Pools offers a Heater Tune-Up service to clean out your heaters, soap all the connections, and test fire to identify any potential repairs and ensure all systems are safe and ready for use.
Draining & Refilling Pool
Industry standards recommend draining and refilling your pool every 2 to 5 years. This will help to keep the water clean and clear and mitigate the overall total hardness of the pool.
Pool Cleaning Systems: PopUps

PopUps are driven by a gear kit. Much like the gears in your vehicle, they collect dirt, debris, and wear down over time. If you notice your popups are not keeping the floor of your pool clean, it might be time to replace the gear kit that helps to control the rotation of your in-floor cleaning heads.